Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A partial list of Hereward Carrington's Fate Magazine articles

When demand fell off for his articles in magazines and newspapers, Hereward would sometimes send an article into Fate Magazine. This helped keep his name and brand out there for his busy lecture business.

May 1949 The Inside Story of "Jack the Ripper

Sept 1949 Men of Mystery - Aleister Crowley / also Walking on Fire

May 1950 The nature of Phantoms in Haunted Houses

Nov-Dec 1951  Is It wrong to study Psychic Phenomena 

Fate  Issue No. 26, VOL 5 - No. 2, February-March 1952   
"Does Sex Exist in the Spirit World?"

Jun 1953 We Photographed Thoughts    Issue No. 39

Apr 1954 Chinese Divination

Apr 1955 The Drummer of Tedworth     Issue No. 61

Jul 1955 Psychic Biology   Issue No. 64

Jul 1956  The Mediumship of MRS. Piper     Issue No. 76

Dec 1957 Reincarnation - Fact Or Fantasy?   Issue No. 93

Oct 1958  Mysteries of Table Levitation

Dec 1958  Mathematical Proof of the Spirit World

May 1959 Hereward Carrington Dies – Obit by Marie Elene Carrington

Mrs. Carrington articles  - 2

Fate magazine Issue No. 29, VOL 5 - No. 5, July-August 1952                                                                       "The Psychic Who Solves Crimes", by Mary Ellen Frallic  aka Mrs. Carrington

May 1959 Hereward Carrington Dies – Obit by Marie Elene Carrington

If you know of other Fate articles by Hereward please email the article name and the issue month and year. Only material prior to 1960, I am aware of the much later reprints. Thanks all.