A 1941 Magazine promo for Hereward Carrington

A biography of Hereward Carrington is long overdue. He was the most famous of the American psychic researchers in the first half of the 20th century. He started serious study of psychic phenomena at age 16 and kept journals of his thoughts and experiences from then up till his death in 1958, at the age of 78. He had three failed marriages,and he struggled with health problems for decades from contracting TB. He knew most of the prominent mediums and psychics of his day. He investigated haunted houses, seances, psychics and many other things. He wrote over 100 books and several thousand articles that appeared in various newspapers and magazines.
Why should we call him an American researcher when so many call him British. Most of his life was spent in America, he moved here permanently at age 19, when he arrived in 1899. Hereward first came to America for an extended visit with his mother and sister at age 8 and was still here at age 12. Hereward became an American citizen. His mother was born in New York state. I think of Hereward as British in temperment and American by choice. The Paul Tabori mini biography on Hereward Carrington is pretty good but has a number of errors in it. Even some of the errors tells me things. Paul has the wrong college where Hereward got his PhD but he is only repeating another person's mistake. Then when he speaks of Mrs Carrington, he is unaware in about 1950 that Hereward supposedly married the 2nd Marie. There is a strange story here with a strange ending. I have not tracked down their marriage certificates which would interest me.